Time and life is a perishable good. Once you waste an hour, a day or a year of your life, it will not come back. And there are so many things one could have done in that time, so much progress one could have made and so much impact one could have had on the world around us.
I have been thinking about this for quite some time already but what I have seen today has really shocked me. I read a blog on a Czech news server ihned.cz about a new popular webpage www.chatroulette.com. It is apparently a new internet hit. It allows you to have a video chat with a random person and when either one of you get bored, you just click 'next' for another person and the machine connects you automatically to whoever is free. It's random, just like the russian roulette hence the name. People enjoy having the power of being able to dismiss somebody with a click of a button. There are about 20.000 people online on average at a time.
So I gave it a try. During the first two minutes I got next'ed on average every three seconds, mostly by single man staring at a screen or engaging in rather private activities. But than suddenly the screens stopped changing...

Article from The New York Times about chatroulette.com with a letter from it's 17yr old founder:
This is the blog on ihned.cz (in Czech only): http://blog.ihned.cz/machacek/c1-43582700-nextni-ho-ruska-ruleta-na-webu
“The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - Bertrand Russel
ReplyDeleteThat is absolutely shocking. Are you ok?